The darkening of the light

Tomorrow’s Solar eclipse has caused a good deal of debate and fantastical interpretation. Looking at the astrology of the eclipse, it is, a startling one. It is conjunct Chiron, the wounded one, within 1 minute of arc, (very close in other words). Chiron is our wound, Chiron in Aries is the wound of the self, the ego, our own personal and exceptional identity. Yet, for London, the eclipse falls conjunct the 7th cusp of partnership and open enemies.

Both the placing of Chiron and the house position of the eclipse show a tension between the individual and the collective. Something, someone is hiding (eclipsing) someone.

Aries is the sign of the brash individual, but also the warrior. Aries will in particular fight for the underdog, and champion the marginalised, they can have a Knight in Shining Armour view of themselves. Yet here, they are obliged to subsume themselves to the ‘other’, enemy or friend or partner.

I feel this is the people (shown by the Moon) being increasingly irritated (Aries) with the terrible state of the country. Interestingly, the Moon rules the 10th house of Government. An eclipsed Moon is overpowered by the Sun, and the Sun is eclipsed by the Moon. Both are weak. The Sun rules the 11th house of large groups, probably representing the political parties gearing up for the inevitable election. Perhaps the wound (Chiron) is the people’s and the Government’s powerlessness (eclipsed).

The Eclipse falls across the USA. It will be visible from Mexico. And then it travels through Dallas, Texas, Little Rock Arkansas, Illinois, Cleveland, Ohio, Buffalo, New York, Burlington Vermont and Caribou, Maine and will be visible, if weather conditions are good, for much of the time (13:42 CDT-15:33 EDT)1 It is interesting that the path of the eclipse goes through the home states of past Presidents (with the exception of Obama); Texas (Bush) Little Rock (Clinton) Scranton Pennsylvania (Biden) and New York (Trump). What can this mean? I think, like the London eclipse it is shining a light on the weakness of its leaders.

The most favoured chart for the USA is the Sibly chart of 1776.

Notice that the Sibly Chiron is conjunct the eclipse Sun, Moon, Chiron. I feel this represents the deep wound (Chiron) of the USA (slavery, genocide) which lies at its foundation (Chiron in the 4th). The Chiron picks up on the T Square of Mercury in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn, both squaring Chiron. Mercury Pluto are words that destroy. Pluto has recently passed over the Sibly Pluto (Pluto return) and the aftershocks of that are caught up in the eclipse as Pluto is square the eclipse degree.

Pluto in the 1st house is about identity, which country is the USA and who gets to decide that? The forthcoming election may decide its’ business as usual (Biden) or chaos and change (Trump), both outcomes are fairly chilling. Saturn in Libra in the 10th is too wide to make this a Grand Cross, but nevertheless Saturn picks up a square to the Sun at 13′ Cancer. This is the power of government (Saturn exalted in Libra in the 10th). Chiron is back in the same position as when the country was ‘born’, a Chiron return in other words. This may show the country revisiting the original wound. The USA of course, was founded by refugees, or economic migrants or religious fundamentalists or whatever term you would care to use. Furthermore, the wealth came from slavery which built the country.

I think what the eclipse is speaking of, is that early genocide and slavery which is the foundation on which the USA was built and the new genocide, happening now in Gaza, which lays bare both the USA support for the genocidal and its earlier genocide and the public and political fall out from that. The Western settler colonial countries have been exposed and are left scrabbling to maintain the high moral ground. But Chiron will not be healed, Chiron can only heal others.

Eclipses shine a light and also darken the light. They are both a release and can be a beginning (see my posts on the Dalai Lama’s escape from Tibet during an eclipse and on Columbus and the eclipse 2)

The USA is rotten with internal division: massive wealth, incredible poverty, the struggle between crazy religion and freedoms, endemic gun violence which cannot be curtailed, a massive opioid epidemic and its addiction to war. The USA has only had 20 years in its entire history when it has not been at war (222/236 years3 ). So, calling war an addiction is not be an exaggeration.

Many Americans are exasperated by the trillions spent on wars , which they usually lose (Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria to name a few) while people at home are homeless, hungry and cannot afford healthcare. Mars rules the 4th house (founding) of the country and is in querulous Gemini, quick to take offense. Mars might also represent the double speak of pretending to be ethical, those much vaunted ‘Christian values’ while behaving unethically both at home and abroad.

The ordinary people here and there are sick of our lame and corrupt political systems, we are wanting a new beginning (Aries), but maybe the wound is the message. We cannot heal until we own up to our own bloodthirsty pasts.

Last 2 places for this year’s Greek Island Summer School June 12th-19th. I will be teaching about Horary Astrology. Details here.

If you want a weekly update on what the planets are up to Joanna, who runs the Greek Island Summer School has a weekly blog, you can sign up here

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