
Beauty and the Beast: Jupiter Uranus:

A new biopic of Amy Winehouse and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction of last week made me check out Winehouse’s astrology. And indeed, she had a Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius quite close, Jupiter at 4’19 and Uranus at 5’29, both opposite Chiron at 2’55 Gemini in the 12th house.

Wheels within wheels

Looking of cycles of awakening, unraveling and crisis through astrology.

In the book, The Fourth Turning1 the authors discuss how history is made up of around 80-90 year cycles. What is an 80-90 year cycle in astrology? Well, our old friend Uranus who has a cycle of around 84 years. The Neptune cycle is around…

The darkening of the light

Tomorrow’s Solar eclipse has caused a good deal of debate and fantastical interpretation. Looking at the astrology of the eclipse, it is, a startling one. It is conjunct Chiron, the wounded one, within 1 minute of arc, (very close in other words). Chiron is our wound, Chiron in Aries is the wound of the self,…


Money It’s a gas Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.                                (Pink Floyd, Money) Money, how does it show on the horoscope? What about the charts of the mega-rich? what do they tell us about wealth? And what shows great wins and great losses? This is the first in a series of…

what comes next…

What do the next three months look like from an astrological point of view, from London, Jerusalem, Washington and Moscow?

Wondrous Women

Goddess Astrology discusses the lives of women looking through their astrology. They form examples of the Greek Goddesses which represent the planets and signs. It was such a fun book to write, reading about the amazing women from all walks of life and time periods. Seeing how they triumphed through adversity, misogyny and racism to…

Pondering Pluto

There have been many interpretations of what PLuto moving in Aquarius will mean for us. This blog discusses what may happened in the liminal space between the Pluto’s exit from one sign and entry into another.

Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus: big trouble and a bit of luck.

This year, on April 21st there is a Uranus Jupiter conjunction in Taurus. This conjunction is rare; the last three were in 1181, 1858 and 1941. The 1941 conjunction was at 25’38 Taurus on the malefic fixed star Algol, as was the 1858 conjunction at 29’25 Taurus. One way to look at these major conjunctions…

Talking Trash: Taylor, Kanye and Kim…

I have to admit that I am not a ‘Swiftie’ and have never heard her music but undoubtedly Taylor Swift is a phenomenon. Her extraordinary 2023 tour earned an estimated $1.4 billion (BBC), the film of the tour, likewise. What stood out to me was her thoughtfulness, giving her staff huge bonuses, sending cash to…


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