
It’s a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.    

                           (Pink Floyd, Money)

Money, how does it show on the horoscope? What about the charts of the mega-rich? what do they tell us about wealth? And what shows great wins and great losses? This is the first in a series of posts about money.

In the news this week (March 28th 09:40 Manhattan source The Guardian) is the 25 year sentence for Sam Bankman Fried (SBF) found guilty of embezzling £6.3 Billion ($8) from his crypto currency FTX to pay for a lavish lifestyle and give largess to political and social projects he supported.

What does his chart reveal? Taurus rising, Taurus is the sign of money and he does resemble a Taurean physically. His money is shown by the Moon in wishful thinking, fantasist Pisces separating from a trine of Pluto at 22′ Scorpio. His Moon is in the 11th house of groups and large networks and also dreams and wishes. What interests me is the triple conjunction in Aquarius in the 10th house. Mars, Saturn and Venus. Saturn is co-ruler of Aquarius so it is strong, Mars and Venus less so. Mars is peregrine (no dignity) and Venus has slight dignity (terms). Venus is his chart ruler (ruling Taurus), so his chart ruler is weak (Venus is also the almuten figuris). The Sun also in Pisces is peregrine as is the Moon. So the three most important planets, chart ruler, Sun and Moon are debilitated, while the super ambitious Saturn is strong. Being fixed Air, Aquarius gives a fine mind and good intellect, but it can be detached from reality, being all theory and ideology but impractical in the detail and a refusal to be wrong.

The Aquarius planets are all applying to the square of Pluto (great wealth) in Scorpio (other people’s money). The Saturn, dogged and high achieving as it is, is brought down by over ambition or simple corruption (Scorpio) causing a complete disaster (Pluto). Pluto is close to the 7th house cusp and rules the house (Scorpio) which governs open enemies. His ex-girlfriend and co-founder both testified against him in his trial.

What of his 8th house, of debt and other people’s money? His North Node is there in early Capricorn and it is trine Jupiter which rules the 8th house. Jupiter is in detriment in Virgo and it is also retrograde, so extra debilitated. Jupiter is in the 5th house of gambling and is widely opposite his Sun in Pisces. Because Jupiter is retrograde it is moving away from the Sun, so this is a weak contact. Jupiter makes things bigger; big ideas, big problems and in this case, big debt. Jupiter is called the greater benefic and brings luck and opportunity, but where it is in poor condition there may be poor judgement, big ideas which over extend the person, foolish risks (relying on luck which is not there).

SBF was found guilty of fraud and conspiracy, also perjury. His defense claimed he was an awkward ‘math nerd’ but this was rejected. SBF claimed it was mismanagement and errors which caused the losses, while the Government claimed he showed no remorse or acknowledgement of the crimes he committed. SBF has autism but his high intelligence assumed he could get away with his crimes. He lost bail early on in his trial for witnesses tampering. His co-owner and former partner testified against him. This suggests he believed the rules did not apply to him, a typical Aquarian failing.

What does the chart of his sentencing show was at play in his downfall?

The Guardian gives the time he entered court as 9.40, so the actual sentencing would have come a bit later, but nevertheless there are lots of points to consider in this chart. The Moon in Scorpio showing his corruption is applying to an opposition to Jupiter and later Uranus in Taurus in the 12th house of self undoing. This shows that money (Taurus), greed (Jupiter) dodgy financial dealings (Scorpio) illusions of grandeur (Moon/Scorpio) cause the house of cards to collapse (Uranus) and the money to be lost spectacularly (Uranus/Taurus).

Notice the Saturn, Venus and Mars conjunction mirroring the same in his horoscope, but this time Saturn is weak in Pisces, Venus is exalted and Mars has some dignity (triplicity). Saturn rules the 8th house. Saturn brings us down to earth, and is known as the Lord of Karma, you reap what you sow. At birth, he was gifted a brilliant Saturn, but his actions caused a debilitated and powerless one.

Other interesting factors, the Ascendant is at 9′ Gemini which is conjunct his natal Part of Fortune at 10′. The prosecution was asking for an 80 year sentence, he was ‘lucky’ to get 25 years. I feel that Venus in Pisces also showed some compassion in his sentencing, his autism was noted and he was sent to a medium secure facility. The MC is at 15′ Aquarius conjunct his natal Saturn at 13′ re-emphasising that Saturn was at the heart of his downfall. Saturn also rules the 9th house of the law; his defence was weak and rejected. Notice Pluto there, Pluto destroys utterly.

A salutary tale of hubris (arrogance) which is followed by nemesis (total destruction). His chart shows his gifts and challenges, but the Stars incline they do not compel. His choices brought him to prison a 12th house place.

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